28 June 2017

New Map: Don Cossacks

We have new map of the Don Cossacks area available. More colonies will be added to it over the next few weeks, but we had a request for the Mennonite colony of Romanowka that we wanted to fulfill along with some surrounding villages. 

The German colonies established in the Don region were all daughter and chutor colonies whose founders came from the areas Mariupol, Hoffnungstal and Molotschna.

The name of the area has changed over time, beginning with the Province of the Don Cossack Host (Russian: Область Войска Донского, Oblast’ Voyska Donskogo).  At the time Germans started settling into the area in 1870, it was called the Don Host Province.

The work is being done off the Karte der deutschen Siedlungen im Gebiet (Oblast) Stalino (ehem. östl. Teil com Gouvern. Jekaterinoslaw u. westl. Teil com Dongebiet) einschl. der deutschen Dörfer im östl. Teil des Gebiets Charkow (Map of the German settlements in the Stalino region, formerly the eastern part of the governorate of Jekaterinoslav and west part of the Don region, including the German villages in the eastern part of the Kharkov region, AHSGR map #24). This and the other two maps that include Don villages bump up against the Mariupol colonies, so anticipate a map for that area to be coming soon as well.

Most of the Stumpp maps overlap somewhat, so as all this gets worked out, there will be some shifting of colonies into appropriate groups.  Updates will called out for those keeping track.

The following maps have been updated with the new colonies: 
All of the maps associated with this site along with their descriptions can be found on the Maps page and a list of sources used on the Sources page.

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